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Outsourcing Field Services Often Comes at the Expense of Customer Service – Not Anymore!

Outsourcing in the field service management space is on the increase. But, just how smart is this technique for field service contractors? For many businesses, outsourcing field services often comes at the expense of their customer service, and that’s why you may want to put an end to it as a manager.

Research studies suggest that 89% of decision-makers agree that customers’ experiences with a mobile worker is a direct measure of their brand. The fact remains that customers need to be served well no matter who they are, and contractors form a central part of a brand.

Based on the Salesforce cloud platform, FieldAx is one effective field service management software that integrates with existing customer relationship management (CRM) or ERP systems, as information captured in the field can be transferred across several departments.

The challenges of field service management, and solutions from FieldAx

Giving up control and losing visibility

To gain greater visibility and control over your field service operations, you’ll need to work with several players, each with its own unique processes. Service providers should consider leveraging field service management applications such as FieldAx.

 FieldAx streamlines communications between a company and multiple subcontractors, making collaboration easier, improving customer satisfaction, and boosting efficiency. Contract management solutions may also give your internal team and field service contractors a complete view of the job, allowing them to maintain service consistency and ensure brand integrity.

A communication gap between the office and the field due to outsourcing

As outsourcing becomes a more popular business trend, there’s a possibility of loss of contact with the people on the ground, and control over delivery times and processes. There’s also a real issue of getting business-critical products and services to customers on time while service levels suffer.

FieldAx can transform your field services through our solutions enabling you to improve the customer’s overall service experience. We provide customers with direct insight into task and resource movements in real-time, alongside a range of features that help them to address current problems and opportunities. FieldAx improves field service management processes by making them more flexible, adaptable, and efficient.

Mobile workforce challenges

Many service providers have had to find ways to cope with the few technicians at their disposal, and more technical workers are aging and retiring. The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs estimates that 1 out of 6 people worldwide will be aged over 65 by 2050. So, how will businesses grow with a limited number of field service workers?

Of course, there’s a way out, thanks to field service management systems like FieldAx. Firstly, try to support your existing workers and scrutinize your employee engagement and recruitment efforts. Additionally, train your mobile workforce using digital resources and set them up for success by feeding them with useful information at the right time.

A disorganized approach to field service management often negatively affects customer satisfaction.

Poor customer support is also costly, leading to a reduction in repeat business and reduces customer satisfaction.

FieldAx allows Customer Support Reps and Field Service Reps to work more efficiently. This reduces costs by better tracking time, materials and expenses, thus invoicing more accurately. This creates a better customer experience with the convenience of real-time updates.

How will you ensure good quality service and prevent things from falling between the cracks?

good field service management makes the difference

By automating field service business operations, FieldAx helps your company generate more revenue and improve customer satisfaction. Discover how our field service management software can help you improve operational efficiencies and reduce supply chain costs. Contact FieldAx, and we’ll empower you to manage your data with just one field service management application.

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